
Fair-trade organic beans from APROAGRO LIMCOF in the Cajamarca region of Peru. Hints of toffee, cocoa and juicy fruits; sweet and tart with a smooth mouth feel.

Medium Roast, 12 oz — $18.00
Dark Roast, 12 oz — $18.00


Our Peru Fair Trade organic beans are sourced from family owned farms organized around APROAGRO LIMCOF – Lima Coffee, founded  in 2016 by Rony Lavan, a Peruvian coffee professional committed to showcasing the most exceptional coffees Peru has to offer. He had previously worked in quality control with one of Peru’s largest exporters, therefore was very aware of the quality and potential of some producers. Seeing these quality coffees being blended into large commercial lots, he convinced the farmers they could be better rewarded and decided to set up a cooperative with a different structure. He did so by basing membership on cup quality. Rony knew of areas and producers in Cajamarca who have high quality and approached them to buy their best-prepared coffees. The aim was to sell these lots as microlots to the US market. Cooperatives are typically formed by a group of producers whose goal it is to export their coffee as regional lots. Rony’s model is entirely based on quality and those producers that are more focused on quality. As president of the Lima Coffees exporting organization, Rony has already established himself as standing at the fore of top quality coffees in Cajamarca. His first year with Lima Coffees, he entered the national competition and won.

Order a bag or two of this amazing Peru Fair Trade organic coffee today. We donate a part of the proceeds from the sale of this coffee to the San Marcos River Foundation. To learn more about the organizations we donate to, please visit our Giving page.

VarietalBourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Typica
Farmsmallholder farmer members
Altitude1600m - 1800m