Women Producer Coffees
Women Producer coffees from around the world! Coffee grown by women, produced by women, and organizations managed by women., these coffees stand out from the rest. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this coffee is donated to the Greater San Marcos Youth Council, an organization dedicated to helping at-risk families in Hays County, Texas.
As women roasters, we are very interested in promoting and supporting the hard work done by women coffee growers around the world. Women Producer coffees raise awareness of gender inequity and inequality issues in coffee-producing countries. By separating out women’s lots and supporting women-owned farms, women growers are financially empowered through sourcing and sales efforts. We source coffees through our importers from women in associations and cooperatives, with the women receiving a gender-equity premium pay on top of the quality-based initial price of their coffee. By sourcing coffees grown by women producers in this way, we seek to financially empower them within their families, communities, and within the industry. We hope to make positive strides toward increasing women’s visibility within the supply chain. To learn more about women producers and women in the coffee industry, click here.
We source women producer coffees from 6 different countries. Each country is listed below with a link to the page where you can buy the coffee. We strongly believe in giving back to our community, therefore a portion of the proceeds from the sale of our Women Producer coffees is donated to the Greater San Marcos Youth Council, an organization dedicated to helping at-risk families in Hays County, Texas.
COLOMBIA: Our Colombia coffee is sourced from ASMUCAFE (Asociación de Mujeres Agropecuarias de Uribe). an organization of women farmers and landowners in El Tambo, a municipality within Cauca. The women’s mission is to improve their families’ quality of life through coffee farming, and to contribute positively to their community by working together and sharing resources, knowledge, and support. “Our work is determined by our values such as responsibility, honesty, commitment, respect, solidarity, and competitiveness.” Buy our coffee from these amazing women here.

Guatemala: Our women producer coffee from the Huehuetenango region comes from ASPROCDEGUA (Asociación de Productores de Café Diferenciados y Especiales de Guatemala). A producing organization with 664 contributing members, 394 of whom have organic certification, and 90 of whom are women who participate in the group’s Manos de Mujer program. The organization offers its members access to technical assistance and routinely provides services such as soil analysis, test farms, and social projects based on food security, education, and nutrition. The premium earned for their Women Coffee Producers lots goes toward organic fertilizer distributed to the women farmers, and other benefits. In 2020, the premium was used to purchase dairy cows for the women, which were distributed to both augment their household nutrition and to give them better access to organic matter from which to make their own organic compost. To buy some of this chocolaty nutty coffee from Guatemala, click here.

Mexico: In 2005, six women members of the CESMACH cooperative banded together in an effort to integrate more of the group’s women into educational workshops about coffee cultivation. They also wanted to highlight the contributions they were making to the management and labor on their family farms while their husbands—many of whom had emigrated to the U.S.A. in search of work—held the official title of CESMACH “member” on paper. The women in the small revolutionary group realized that in order to create more equity among the group and empower their fellow women farmers, practice and the leadership of the organization needed to change. Within a year, the group had grown to 23 women heads of household and farmer owner/managers, all of whom had begun the process of transferring their memberships with CESMACH from their husbands’ names to their own. The women became an active and dynamic part of CESMACH’s leadership, and created a mark called Café Femenino in order to brand their coffee. The women have applied the premiums received from their coffees to projects like vegetable gardens and health-care initiatives. Today, the cooperative has more than 225 women members, some of whom are widows, single mothers, private landowners, or women whose husbands have left Chiapas in search of work in the U.S. and Canada. CESMACH represents 32 communities within Sierra Madre, Chiapas, and each smallholder owns a plot of land that averages 4 hectares or fewer. To order coffee from these empowered women, click here.